I can and can’t believe a year has gone by since we became the lucky parents to our stunning little babygirl Amanda. They all say that time flies and it’s true, it really feels a lot of it has gone so fast! But at the same time, as I’ve been lucky enough to be at home with her, I can also say I have really enjoyed the time - even some of those not-so-fun days. But the development and the growth of the first year is truly remarkable and it’s so rewarding (and sad in a way) for any parent to see their baby grow! Amanda is such a great girl and I can already see her fun & strong personality shine through. She enjoyed her little party at home with our closest ones and I’d like to thank everyone who came and everyone who remembered her (and our) special day! As far as the presents, we got her a little sofa chair, as I wanted something practical and that would last more than a month and she loved it and we also got her a little tricycle, that’s another thing that will get a longer use than just a few months. That should actually be for kids up to 5 years old! I actually got so many questions about one of the small presents I got her - the fabric photobook. This is so cool, fun and original - if you’re looking for a present for baby/child, then you can’t go wrong with that one! Find the link to it here: www.my1stphotos.co.uk